Norton Grange Residents Association Ltd
Information for Purchasers of Properties

Information for Purchasers of Properties

Information for Purchasers of Properties at Norton Grange and Mansion House.

There is a residents’ association covering all properties at Norton Grange (NGRA) and an additional association for the Mansion House (MHRA). Both are registered companies and both manage the communal areas that they own. Both levy service charges. Neither company provides a management pack.

Below is the information needed in the purchase of a property based on FME1 FREEHOLD MANAGEMENT ENQUIRIES. Completed as Rent charge Owner.

  • Notice of Transfer & Charge – £350.00

Requires incoming owner’s name and address, Deed of Covenant, share transfer and return of Share Certificate to be sent to Company Secretary.

  • Typical Service charge – £300.00

Period covered April to March. Applies to all properties. A reserve fund applies to the managed areas. For amount see accounts. There is no plan to increase the charge. Managed areas are insured. No claims made or pending.

  •  Notice of Transfer & Charge – £250.00

Requires incoming owners name and address, Deed of Covenant, share transfer and return of Share Certificate to be sent to Company Secretary.

  • Typical service Charge – £300.00

Applies to all properties. A reserve fund applies to the Managed areas. For amount see accounts. There is no plan to increase the charge. Managed areas are insured. No claims made or pending.

The applicable required documents are available on the web site